Lip Filler in Gangnam, Korea for natural and sophisticated lip volume

What type of lip share do you prefer?

Plump and desirable lips, slim yet smooth lips without wrinkles, or a style where the lower lip is thicker than the upper lip. Each individual has different standards of beauty these days, many people are curious about what type of lip shapes are the most flattering, and how to enhance their lips for a prettier appearance. 


As people get older, the elasticity of their body decreases. While the moisture and elasticity of the facial skin and entire body are decreased, the lips cannot be avoided too, right?

We will tell you about how lip fillers can plump your lips, and also be the key point to make you look younger. 

More and more people invest in aesthetic procedure for a better looking ‘me’ now regardless of gender and age.

| What is lip fillers?

It is a procedure that injects hyaluronic acid fillers into thin, less voluminous lips to give them a thick volume and make them moist and lively. Human’s lips are a big part of the attractive point of their faces. Bright smiles and attractive lips can give a good impression on other people, hence you may look less lively if your lip corners are drooping and there is no volume on your lips.

Through these lip filler procedures, you can fill in the areas where volume of the upper and lower lips are insufficient for vitalization. Lip asymmetry or lip wrinkles can also be improved to make a softer impression.

Since everyone has a different preference of lip shapes, it is most important to decide the design through 1:1 precise consultation with the medical staff and complete the shape that suits me the best by considering all facial features, mouth size and ratio.  


| The ratio of moist and lively lips

Thickness of the ideal lip can vary depending on the size of the face and mouth, but on average, 6~8mm for the upper lip, 10~12mm for the lower lip, and 1:1:5 is the most ideal ratio.


If you have thin and not good-looking lips, you can inject fillers into the inside of your lips and the philtrum that connects your lips to easily expect the results of creating volume and making the outline clear. If the lip corners are going down, you can add volume to your lip corners and giving you the effect of raising your lip corners.


In addition, if your lower lip looks less elastic and less lively due to a lot of wrinkles, you can complete a livelier lip by giving a thick volume to the lower lip.


| Recommended group for lip fillers

The lip filler procedure is a dermatological procedure that can be recommended mainly for those who have a complex thin lips or are suffering from lip asymmetry.
Lips can be one of the areas that greatly affect someone’s impression, and you complete thick and three-dimensional lips by changing the overall lip shapes through lip fillers.

Those concerned about lip asymmetry 

Those who look older due to lip wrinkles

Those who look depressed due to drooping lip corners

Those who want natural and voluminous lip



| Lip fillers procedure process (process, duration of maintenance, precautions)

Stage Process


1:1 consultation and design


Filler injection


Post-procedure care


The lip fillers procedure usually takes 20 ~ 30 minutes, and has the advantage of being able to return to daily life immediately after the procedure. However, it needs to be cautious because light swelling or bruises may occur on the lips for one to two weeks after the procedure, and the maintenance period can last for six months to a year.


Precautions after procedure

1-1 Management for swelling

A slight swelling might occur immediately after the procedure, but it will disappear within one or two days. Cold compresses can relieve swelling and pain.

1-2 Avoiding acupressure and external stimulation

Touching the area of treatment or applying strong pressure can cause the fillers to position unusually. Lip massage is recommended two weeks after the procedure. 

1-3 Refraining from extreme exercise and saunas

Avoid extreme exercise and sauna for 48 hours after the procedure, as it can excessively promote blood circulation and worsen swelling. 

1-4 Usage of makeup and lip stick

It is recommended to avoid makeup for at least 24 hours after the procedure. After that, it is recommended to use lip stick with less irritant.

| What you must know about Gangnam lip fillers


You must check the contents about Gangnam lip fillers below in order to get the lips that fit the best

l  “ Select an experienced doctor “ Lips are very sensitive areas so it is important to get the procedure done by experienced medical staff. And it is important to find and proceed with medical institutions that use genuine fillers and accurate doses.

l   “ Suitable consultation and planning Sufficient 1:1 precise consultation is important to get your desired lip share and volume. Considering a custom design that fits your face proportions can lead to natural results.


The Gangnam lip fillers is an effective and satisfying treatment that goes beyond just aesthetic changes but also to boost confidence and make your charm stand out even more. With proper procedure planning and management, natural and beautiful results can be achieved, which is helpful in giving positive impression with your own satisfaction.


If you are considering a lip filler, it is good to make a choice that suits you through sufficient consultation. It is not just a change in appearance but it can be an important factor in improving confidence and quality of life. So if you want to give a natural impression of your face, please find the Gangnam lip fillers to complete a natural and pretty look.

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