What Is Urolithiasis?
Urolithiasis is a disease in which stones form in the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra - where urine is produced, transported, stored, and excreted. Depending on the location, the stones are divided into kidney stones, ureter stones, bladder stones, and urethral stones. This is because stones can occur anywhere in the urinary tract. The age at which urolithiasis occurs varies from young people in their 30s to middle-aged people in their 60s. In Korea, urolithiasis occurs most often in men in their 40s and women in their 60s.
Reasons Why Urolithiasis Is More Frequent in Summer
In summer, the number of urolithiasis patients increases rapidly. Although urolithiasis can be caused by various factors, it is known that the risk of occurrence is higher in a high temperature environment.
The more you sweat, the less you urinate. As a result, substances that cause stones remain in the urine for a long time, resulting in the formation of stones.