IMC Gangnam
Health Examination Center

"We protect your health with cutting-edge equipment and a fast system."

IMC Gangnam Health Examination Center strives for the latest examination techniques and accurate diagnoses.
IMC is always by your side.

Health Examination Programs


Adult screening program for major diseases and your first comprehensive checkup.


Specialized screening program for the diagnosis of major diseases, cancer, and adult illnesses.


A program offering all examinations provided by IMC Gangnam Health Examination Center.

Selective in-depth screening

Customized selection-based screening program.

Genetic Testing

A program for predicting diseases for personalized health management.

Functional Medicine Testing

It is a form of medicine that comprehensively assesses the overall condition of our body.

Our facilities


B1, SYH Tower B1 107, Dosan-daero, Gangnam-gu, Seoul

서울시 강남구 도산대로 107 SYH타워 B1 IMC종합검진센터

Hours of Operation

MON-FRI | 07:30 AM ~ 04:30 PM

SAT | 07:30 AM ~ 12:30 PM

SUN, Public holidays   | Closed

*Weekday walk-ins close at 3:30pm.

One-day check-up

One-day check-up

IMC Gangnam Clinic

IV Drip Therapy in Seoul

IV Drip Therapy in Seoul

IMC Gangnam Clinic

ai-CANCERCH™ test

ai-CANCERCH™ test

IMC Gangnam Clinic


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